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22. Running tccd from the command line


This information is not applicable to Win32 systems.

Most modern UNIX systems support inetd so most people will build the inetd version of tccd (the Test Case Controller daemon). However, there are some situations where it is required to run tccd from the command line. If you need to do this for some reason it is best to build the rc version of tccd. Some hints about how best to do this are presented in this article.

When you run tccd from the command-line, it inherits all your environment variables. This can result in test cases being influenced by your environment in a way that can't be repeated on someone else's system. This can cause a lot of trouble if you develop a test suite that works OK for you, but fails in various ways when you ship it to a customer. In order to ensure that you don't fall in to this trap when developing a test suite, it is necessary to start tccd with a known clean environment.

You can use the env command to do this, and put the correct invocation in a shell script.

For example:

exec env - PATH=$PATH TZ=$TZ . . . tccd [ options . . .]

The - argument to the env command cleans out the environment for the command to be executed. Then you should specify just the list of environment variables that you actually need to run test cases.

This issue is less of a problem when starting tccd on the local system (system 0) because tcc sends all of its environment to tccd on system 0 when it logs on. But it is important to run tccd in a known environment on remote systems, because in this case the environment is not sent. In the past a number of people have been caught out by not taking care of this issue when starting tccd from the command-line.

If you run tccd as yourself, it will be unable to change its user ID to tet. This results in an error message in the /tmp/tccdlog file. However, tccd will still run (using your user ID) provided your user ID and group ID are each >= 100.

You can use the command:

tccd -u  your-login-name

if you want to avoid the error message being printed.


See also

  • "Starting tccd'' in the TETware Installation Guide for UNIX Operating Systems.
  • The tccd manual page in the TETware User Guide.


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