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TETware Training Course

The Open Group offers training for TETware and the Test Environment Toolkit (TET). Training courses are modular and can be tailored to your organization's needs, ranging in length from three to five days.

The course contains a number of modules each consisting of lectures and practical exercises designed to reinforce the teaching.

In addition, an introductory module targeted at both engineers and engineering management is provided.

The tuition focuses on ensuring that the students are familiar with how TETware is best used and,  why the product has been constructed in a particular manner. In this way, students will be able to take best advantage of the design and the implementation of TETware.

If your organization is considering development of TETware based test suite it is highly recommended that you attend The Open Group's TETware training program, to learn how to make best use of the test environment toolkit.

For further information please see the Course Outline or email tetware_manager@opengroup.org

TETware Training

Course Outline

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