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Index of all Fields and Methods


ChildTestCase(). Constructor for class TET.ChildTestCase
cleanup(TestSession). Method in class TET.SimpleTestCase
Method to be executed at test case shutdown.


duplicated(). Method in class TET.SyncMessage
Were there two senders during synchronization?


errno. Variable in class TET.TetException
The value of errno in native code when this exception occurred.


getSysID(). Method in class TET.SyncMessage
Get the value of the system ID of the sending system.


length(). Method in class TET.SyncMessage
Retrieve the message length.


main(String, String[], ChildTestCase). Static method in class TET.ChildTestCase
Begin execution of a test case using the default test session.
main(String, String[], SimpleTestCase). Static method in class TET.SimpleTestCase
Begin execution of a test case using the default test session.
main(String, String[], SimpleTestCase, TestSession). Static method in class TET.SimpleTestCase
Begin execution of a test case.
main(String[], ChildTestCase). Static method in class TET.ChildTestCase
Begin execution of a child test case using the default test session.
main(String[], SimpleTestCase). Static method in class TET.SimpleTestCase
Begin execution of a test case using the default test session.
message(). Method in class TET.SyncMessage
Retrieve the message data.


sender(). Method in class TET.SyncMessage
Was this message sent or does it contains message received from another system?
set_message(byte[]). Method in class TET.SyncMessage
Set up a SyncMessage for transmission of a message.
set_receive_length(int). Method in class TET.SyncMessage
Set up a SyncMessage for reception of a message.
SimpleTestCase(). Constructor for class TET.SimpleTestCase
Constructs a new SimpleTestCase.
startup(TestSession). Method in class TET.SimpleTestCase
Method to be executed at test case startup.
sync_state. Variable in class TET.TetException
The state of synchronisation when this exception occurred.
SyncMessage(). Constructor for class TET.SyncMessage
Construct an empty SyncMessage.
SyncMessage(byte[]). Constructor for class TET.SyncMessage
Construct a SyncMessage which will be used for the transmission of a message.
SyncMessage(int). Constructor for class TET.SyncMessage
Construct a SyncMessage which will be used for the reception of a message.
syncpt. Variable in class TET.TetException
The sync point at which this exception occurred.
SystemEntry(int, String). Constructor for class TET.SystemEntry
Construct a new SystemEntry


TestCase(). Constructor for class TET.TestCase
tet_delete(int, String). Method in class TET.TestSession
Mark the test purpose specified by testno as cancelled.
TET_ER_2BIG. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for argument list too long.
TET_ER_ABORT. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for abort TCM on TP end.
TET_ER_CONTEXT. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for request out of context.
TET_ER_DONE. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for event finished or already happened.
TET_ER_DUPS. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for request contained duplicate IDs.
TET_ER_ERR. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for general error code.
TET_ER_FID. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for a bad file id.
TET_ER_FORK. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for can't fork.
TET_ER_INPROGRESS. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for event in progress.
TET_ER_INTERN. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for a server internal error.
TET_ER_INVAL. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for invalid request parameter.
TET_ER_LOGON. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for not logged on.
TET_ER_MAGIC. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for a bad magic number.
TET_ER_NOENT. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for no such file or directory.
TET_ER_OK. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for ok, success.
TET_ER_PERM. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for priv request/kill error.
TET_ER_PID. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for no such process.
TET_ER_RCVERR. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for a receive message error.
TET_ER_REQ. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for an unknown request code.
TET_ER_SIGNUM. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for a bad signal number.
TET_ER_SNID. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for bad snid in syncd request.
TET_ER_SYNCERR. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for sync completed unsuccessfully.
TET_ER_SYSID. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for sysid not in system name list.
TET_ER_TIMEDOUT. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for request timed out.
TET_ER_TRACE. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for tracing not configured.
TET_ER_WAIT. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for process not terminated.
TET_ER_XRID. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
tet_errno value for bad xrid in xresd request.
tet_errlist(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Retrieves the list of error strings which describe each value of tet_errno.
tet_errno. Variable in class TET.TetException
The value of tet_errno when this exception occurred.
tet_exit(int). Method in class TET.TestSession
Exit function for child process.
TET_FAIL. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Result code for FAIL result.
tet_getblock(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Retrieves the current TET block number.
tet_getsysbyid(int). Method in class TET.TestSession
Retrieves information about a system participating in the test.
tet_getvar(String). Method in class TET.TestSession
Gets the value of a configuration variable.
tet_infoline(String). Method in class TET.TestSession
Prints a line to the execution results file.
tet_jspawn(String, String[], String[]). Method in class TET.TestSession
Creates a new subprogram using a Java class.
tet_kill(long, int). Method in class TET.TestSession
Sends a signal to a process.
tet_logoff(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Log off TETware.
tet_main(TestSession, String[]). Method in class TET.ChildTestCase
Run child test case.
tet_minfoline(String[]). Method in class TET.TestSession
Prints a group of lines to the execution results file.
TET_NORESULT. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Result code for NORESULT result.
TET_NOTINUSE. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Result code for NOTINUSE result.
TET_PASS. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Result code for PASS result.
tet_pname(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Retrieves the test case name.
tet_reason(int). Method in class TET.TestSession
Retrieves the reason for test purpose cancellation.
tet_remgetlist(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Gets a list of the other systems participating in the test case.
tet_remgetsys(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Gets the system ID of the system on which the calling process is executing.
tet_remsync(long, int[], int, int, SyncMessage). Method in class TET.TestSession
Synchronises with one or more of the other systems in a distributed test case.
tet_remtime(int). Method in class TET.TestSession
Obtains the system time on another system.
tet_result(int). Method in class TET.TestSession
Informs the API of the result of the current test purpose.
tet_sderrno. Variable in class TET.TetException
The value of tet_sderrno when this exception occurred.
tet_setblock(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Increments the current block ID.
tet_setcontext(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Sets the current context to the value of the current process ID, and resets the block and sequence numbers to 1.
TET_SMDUP. Static variable in class TET.SyncMessage
Bit value for flags, indicating that more than one system attempted to send message data.
TET_SMMSGMAX. Static variable in class TET.SyncMessage
Maximum size of a sync message.
TET_SMRCVMSG. Static variable in class TET.SyncMessage
Bit value for flags, indicating that the system is receiving message data.
TET_SMSNDMSG. Static variable in class TET.SyncMessage
Bit value for flags, indicating that the system is sending message data.
TET_SMTRUNC. Static variable in class TET.SyncMessage
Bit value for flags, indicating that the message data was truncated.
tet_spawn(String, String[], String[]). Method in class TET.TestSession
Creates a new subprogram.
TET_SS_DEAD. Static variable in class TET.SyncState
Value for tsy_state, indicating that the process exited.
TET_SS_NOTSYNCED. Static variable in class TET.SyncState
Value for tsy_state, indicating that the synchronization request was not received.
TET_SS_SYNCNO. Static variable in class TET.SyncState
Value for tsy_state, indicating that the system voted NO.
TET_SS_SYNCYES. Static variable in class TET.SyncState
Value for tsy_state, indicating that the system voted YES.
TET_SS_TIMEDOUT. Static variable in class TET.SyncState
Value for tsy_state, indicating that the system timed out.
TET_SV_NO. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Synchronisation "no" vote.
TET_SV_YES. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Synchronisation "yes" vote.
tet_tcerrno. Variable in class TET.TetException
The value of tet_tcerrno when this exception occurred.
tet_thistest(). Method in class TET.TestSession
Retrieves the absolute test number for the currently executing test purpose.
TET_UNINITIATED. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Result code for UNINITIATED result.
TET_UNRESOLVED. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Result code for UNRESOLVED result.
TET_UNSUPPORTED. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Result code for UNSUPPORTED result.
TET_UNTESTED. Static variable in class TET.TestSession
Result code for UNTESTED result.
tet_wait(long). Method in class TET.TestSession
Waits for a process to terminate.
tet_xderrno. Variable in class TET.TetException
The value of tet_xderrno when this exception occurred.
TetThread(TestSession, Runnable). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread for use with a TET TestSession.
TetThread(TestSession, Runnable, long). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread for use with a TET TestSession.
TetThread(TestSession, Runnable, String). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread for use with a TET TestSession.
TetThread(TestSession, Runnable, String, long). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread for use with a TET TestSession.
TetThread(TestSession, String). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread for use with a TET TestSession.
TetThread(TestSession, String, long). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread for use with a TET TestSession.
TetThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread.
TetThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread.
TetThread(ThreadGroup, String). Constructor for class TET.TetThread
Create a new thread.
truncated(). Method in class TET.SyncMessage
Was this synchronization message truncated?
ts_name. Variable in class TET.SystemEntry
The name of the system.
ts_sysid. Variable in class TET.SystemEntry
The id of the system.
tsy_state. Variable in class TET.SyncState
State of synchronization.
tsy_sysid. Variable in class TET.SyncState
System ID.

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