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36. Running different randomly selected test cases in parallel on several systems



The scenario we would like to setup takes a set of test cases, selects a random element within an outer repeat loop. This works fine locally. But when we wrap this scenario in a :remote: directive, what we get is the same test case being processed on all remote machines, rather than the whole scenario being executed on all remote machines.

I want to be able to have a different (randomly selected) test case executed on each remote node. The goal is to setup a stress test environment to simulate a lot of concurrent operations, not a lot of simultaneous identical operations.



The behaviour that you observe is correct. Each test case within the scope of a :remote: directive (which doesn't include system 0) is processed on each of the specified systems at the same time - effectively ``in parallel''.

If the :remote: directive encloses a :random: directive, the :random: directive selects a test case, then the :remote: directive processes the test case on each of the named systems.

The trick is to push the system attribute further up the scenario tree. For example, a scenario that looks something like this will do it:


systems ^sys1 ^sys2 ^sys3 ^sys4 ^sys5

sys1 :remote,1:^loop

sys2 :remote,2:^loop

sys3 :remote,3:^loop

sys4 :remote,4:^loop

sys5 :remote,5:^loop

loop :repeat,10;random:^tclist

tclist /ts/tc1/tc1 /ts/tc2/tc2 /ts/tc3/tc3 /ts/tc4/tc4 /ts/tc5/tc5 . . .

This scenario must be run in ETET compatibility mode. (that is: set TET_COMPAT=etet in the per-mode configuration(s)) The scenario relies on the way that tcc inserts implied sequential directives into the tree when processing a scenario in ETET mode.


See also

  • The description of the :parallel: directive in the TETware Programmers Guide.


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