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33. How to copy executed commands output to the journal



I have some test cases that use the C API. As part of my test program, I need to execute a shell script using system(). I would like the output of shell script to go into the journal file.

I tried setting TET_OUTPUT_CAPTURE=True in my tetexec.cfg file and ran the test. It just hangs. Is there anything else that I need to do to solve this problem?

Is there any other way other than by setting TET_OUTPUT_CAPTURE?



There are a couple of ways that you can do this - a simple way where tcc does the output capture for you, and a more complicated way where you do the output capture within the test case.

Method 1 - have tcc do the work for you

Recall that the value of TET_OUTPUT_CAPTURE provides a default value for TET_API_COMPLIANT. The value of TET_API_COMPLIANT must be True if your test case uses a TETware API, otherwise tcc processes your test case as a non API-conforming test case.

So if you want to run an API-conforming test case with output capture mode enabled, you must set both of these variables explicitly, thus:


When you do this, tcc captures all the output from each test case and inserts it in the journal before any of the API-generated output from the test case. The API doesn't indicate which section of the output comes from each test purpose function.


Method 2 - do the output capture within the test case

If you want output from your shell script to appear in the journal between the appropriate TP Start and TP Result lines, you will need to redirect your shell script's stdout and stderr to a file, then collect the contents of this file in your test code and use tet_infoline() to print it to the journal. When you do this, you don't need to set TET_OUTPUT_CAPTURE=true.

For example, the following function will do this on a UNIX system:

int system_with_capture(cmd)
char *cmd;
	static char template[] = "/tmp/capXXXXXX";
	char capfile[sizeof template];
	char buf[BUFSIZ];
	FILE *fp;
	char *p;
	int rc;

(void) strcpy(capfile, template); (void) mktemp(capfile);

(void) sprintf(buf, "%s > %s 2>&1", cmd, capfile); (void) unlink(capfile); if ((rc = system(buf)) == 127 || rc == -1) return(rc);

if ((fp = fopen(capfile, "r")) == (FILE *) 0) tet_printf("can't open output capture file %s, \ errno = %d", capfile, errno); else { tet_printf("output from \"%s\":", cmd); tet_infoline("------------------------------------"); while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != (char *) 0) { for (p = buf; *p; p++) if (*p == '\n') *p = '\0'; tet_infoline(buf); } tet_infoline("------------------------------------"); (void) fclose(fp); (void) unlink(capfile); }

return(rc); }

Which method you choose depends on how important it is for the captured output to be identified with a particular test purpose function.


See also

  • "Execute mode processing'' and "Configuration variables which modify TETware's operation'' in the TETware Programmers Guide.

  • "Making journal entries'' in each chapter that describes API functions in the TETware Programmers Guide.


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