# This file was created automatically by SWIG. # Don't modify this file, modify the SWIG interface instead. # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes. import _pytet def _swig_setattr(self,class_type,name,value): if (name == "this"): if isinstance(value, class_type): self.__dict__[name] = value.this if hasattr(value,"thisown"): self.__dict__["thisown"] = value.thisown del value.thisown return method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name,None) if method: return method(self,value) self.__dict__[name] = value def _swig_getattr(self,class_type,name): method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name,None) if method: return method(self) raise AttributeError,name import types try: _object = types.ObjectType _newclass = 1 except AttributeError: class _object : pass _newclass = 0 del types TET_PASS = _pytet.TET_PASS TET_FAIL = _pytet.TET_FAIL TET_UNRESOLVED = _pytet.TET_UNRESOLVED TET_NOTINUSE = _pytet.TET_NOTINUSE TET_UNSUPPORTED = _pytet.TET_UNSUPPORTED TET_UNTESTED = _pytet.TET_UNTESTED TET_UNINITIATED = _pytet.TET_UNINITIATED TET_NORESULT = _pytet.TET_NORESULT TET_ER_OK = _pytet.TET_ER_OK TET_ER_ERR = _pytet.TET_ER_ERR TET_ER_MAGIC = _pytet.TET_ER_MAGIC TET_ER_LOGON = _pytet.TET_ER_LOGON TET_ER_RCVERR = _pytet.TET_ER_RCVERR TET_ER_REQ = _pytet.TET_ER_REQ TET_ER_TIMEDOUT = _pytet.TET_ER_TIMEDOUT TET_ER_DUPS = _pytet.TET_ER_DUPS TET_ER_SYNCERR = _pytet.TET_ER_SYNCERR TET_ER_INVAL = _pytet.TET_ER_INVAL TET_ER_TRACE = _pytet.TET_ER_TRACE TET_ER_WAIT = _pytet.TET_ER_WAIT TET_ER_XRID = _pytet.TET_ER_XRID TET_ER_SNID = _pytet.TET_ER_SNID TET_ER_SYSID = _pytet.TET_ER_SYSID TET_ER_INPROGRESS = _pytet.TET_ER_INPROGRESS TET_ER_DONE = _pytet.TET_ER_DONE TET_ER_CONTEXT = _pytet.TET_ER_CONTEXT TET_ER_PERM = _pytet.TET_ER_PERM TET_ER_FORK = _pytet.TET_ER_FORK TET_ER_NOENT = _pytet.TET_ER_NOENT TET_ER_PID = _pytet.TET_ER_PID TET_ER_SIGNUM = _pytet.TET_ER_SIGNUM TET_ER_FID = _pytet.TET_ER_FID TET_ER_INTERN = _pytet.TET_ER_INTERN TET_ER_ABORT = _pytet.TET_ER_ABORT TET_ER_2BIG = _pytet.TET_ER_2BIG TET_NULLFP = _pytet.TET_NULLFP tet_delete = _pytet.tet_delete tet_exit = _pytet.tet_exit tet_getvar = _pytet.tet_getvar tet_infoline = _pytet.tet_infoline tet_kill = _pytet.tet_kill tet_logoff = _pytet.tet_logoff tet_minfoline = _pytet.tet_minfoline tet_printf = _pytet.tet_printf tet_reason = _pytet.tet_reason tet_remgetlist = _pytet.tet_remgetlist tet_remgetsys = _pytet.tet_remgetsys tet_result = _pytet.tet_result tet_setblock = _pytet.tet_setblock tet_setcontext = _pytet.tet_setcontext tet_spawn = _pytet.tet_spawn tet_vprintf = _pytet.tet_vprintf tet_wait = _pytet.tet_wait tet_exec = _pytet.tet_exec tet_fork = _pytet.tet_fork tet_tcm_main = _pytet.tet_tcm_main tet_merror = _pytet.tet_merror tet_error = _pytet.tet_error PYTET_STARTUP = _pytet.PYTET_STARTUP PYTET_CLEANUP = _pytet.PYTET_CLEANUP PYTET_GETTP = _pytet.PYTET_GETTP PYTET_GETMINIC = _pytet.PYTET_GETMINIC PYTET_GETMAXIC = _pytet.PYTET_GETMAXIC PYTET_ISDEFIC = _pytet.PYTET_ISDEFIC PYTET_GETTPCOUNT = _pytet.PYTET_GETTPCOUNT PYTET_GETTESTNUM = _pytet.PYTET_GETTESTNUM pytet_set_iclist = _pytet.pytet_set_iclist pytet_set_pyfunc = _pytet.pytet_set_pyfunc tet_getmaxic = _pytet.tet_getmaxic tet_getminic = _pytet.tet_getminic tet_isdefic = _pytet.tet_isdefic tet_gettpcount = _pytet.tet_gettpcount tet_gettestnum = _pytet.tet_gettestnum tet_invoketp = _pytet.tet_invoketp startup = _pytet.startup cleanup = _pytet.cleanup tet_main = _pytet.tet_main tet_tcmchild_main = _pytet.tet_tcmchild_main import sys def pytet_gettp(icnum, tpnum): count = 0 for testic in pytet_testlist.keys(): if testic == icnum: count += 1 if count == tpnum: return pytet_testlist[testic] return "" def pytet_getminic(): minic = len(pytet_testlist) for testic in pytet_testlist.keys(): if testic < minic: minic = testic return minic def pytet_getmaxic(): maxic = 1 for testic in pytet_testlist.keys(): if testic > maxic: maxic = testic return maxic def pytet_isdefic(icnum): for testic in pytet_testlist.keys(): if testic == icnum: return 1 return 0 def pytet_gettpcount(icnum): count = 0 for testic in pytet_testlist.keys(): if testic == icnum: count += 1 return count def pytet_gettestnum(icnum, tpnum): count = icnum for testic in pytet_testlist.keys(): if testic == icnum: if count == icnum + tpnum - 1: break count += 1 return count def pytet_init(testlist, startup, cleanup): global pytet_testlist pytet_testlist = testlist if startup != TET_NULLFP: pytet_set_pyfunc(startup, PYTET_STARTUP) if cleanup != TET_NULLFP: pytet_set_pyfunc(cleanup, PYTET_CLEANUP) pytet_set_pyfunc(pytet_gettp, PYTET_GETTP) pytet_set_pyfunc(pytet_getminic, PYTET_GETMINIC) pytet_set_pyfunc(pytet_getmaxic, PYTET_GETMAXIC) pytet_set_pyfunc(pytet_isdefic, PYTET_ISDEFIC) pytet_set_pyfunc(pytet_gettpcount, PYTET_GETTPCOUNT) pytet_set_pyfunc(pytet_gettestnum, PYTET_GETTESTNUM) pytet_set_iclist(len(sys.argv), sys.argv) cvar = _pytet.cvar