# Makefile to build .html and man pages from pod source files # pod2html and pod2man are supplied with perl distribution # Geoff Smith 23/4/1997 # # Andrew Josey, The Open Group, November 1997 # Add in install target. TET_ROOT=../../.. DOC_DIR=$(TET_ROOT)/doc/tetreport POD2HTML=pod2html POD2MAN=pod2man --center "HP TETWare" --release A.01.00 VPATH=.. files= TetJournal.3 TetJournal.html \ TetReports.3 TetReports.html \ tetreport.1 tetreport.html all: $(files) tetreport.1: ../tetreport.pl ${POD2MAN} --section 1 $? > $@ tetreport.html: ../tetreport.pl ${POD2HTML} $?; mv ${VPATH}/$@ . install: if [ ! -d $(DOC_DIR) ] ; then mkdir $(DOC_DIR); chmod 755 $(DOC_DIR); fi cp $(files) $(DOC_DIR)/ chmod a-wx,u+rw,a+r $(DOC_DIR)/* .SUFFIXES: .pl .3 .html .1 .pl.3: ${POD2MAN} --section 3 $? > $*.3 .pl.html: cp $? $*; ${POD2HTML} $* ; rm -f $*