TETware "rpt" report writer contrib tools ------------------------------------------ To build on win32 systems, assuming MS C++ and the MKS toolkit installed, use the command line version of the compiler. Just type make make install To build on UNIX systems, you need to edit the makefile 1) to remove the extra ^Ms in the file. 2) to change the compiler definitions, and the definitions for the .obj and .exe file extensions A description of the utilities files. NAME rpt - TET report writer utility SYNOPSIS rpt [-f filename] [-j journal] [-d detail] [-s scope] [-t test] [-u] [ -h ] [-v] [-w] DESCRIPTION The rpt utility produces a report for a raw Test Environment Toolkit journal file. The TET_ROOT environment variable needs to be set. The following flags are supported as arguments to the rpt utility. -f journal file name -j journal file # (default is latest) -d detail 0 - everything 1 - reasonable detail (default) 2 - nothing 3 - results only 4 - assertions and results only -s scope of detail 0 - all result codes 1 - errors, FIP (default) 2 - reserved for future use 3 - UNSUPPORTED 4 - FIP 5 - NOTINUSE 6 - UNTESTED 7 - NORESULT -t detail only on specified Test Case -u use latest journal file for current user -h display this usage message -v display program version -w summarize journals NAME rptm - comparative report writer SYNOPSIS rptm [-s test] [-a] [-h] [-u] [-f] journal1 journal2 [journal3] [journal4 ] [journal5] [journal6] DESCRIPTION The rptm utility produces a comparative report for two or more Test Environment Toolkit journal files. The following flags are supported as arguments to the rptm utility: -a show all results (not just variations) -h print the usage message -s report only on specified tests -u show variations plus build failures common to all reports -f show variations plus failures in any report