This C++ demo is unsupported user-contributed software, designed by the contributor to run on a UNIX system. The notes in this README file are intended to assist someone attempting to port the C++ demo to a Windows NT system. -- Andrew Dingwall, UniSoft Ltd., December 1996 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked at the first test case in the demo (ts/tc1/tc1.c) to see what needed to be done in order to make it run on a Windows NT system. The build environment used is the same as the one used to build TETware on Windows NT; namely: Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) and the MKS Toolkit. The TETware version used is TETware-Lite. I made the following changes to the tc1 test case: 1) Change the name of tc1.c to tc1.cpp. (This tells MSVC that it is a C++ file.) 2) Customise the makefile. This is the makefile that I used: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBDIR = $(TET_ROOT)/lib/tet3 INCDIR = $(TET_ROOT)/inc/tet3 # Name of C++ compiler CC = cl -nologo CFLAGS = -I$(INCDIR) LIBTCM = $(LIBDIR)/Ctcm.obj LIBAPI = $(LIBDIR)/libapi.lib SYSLIBS = all: tc1.exe tc1.exe: tc1.cpp $(INCDIR)/tet_api.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o tc1.exe tc1.cpp $(LIBTCM) $(LIBAPI) $(SYSLIBS) CLEAN: clean clean: rm -f *.obj tc1.exe ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Then I built the test case and executed it successfully. Makefile notes: If you want to build this test case using Distributed TETware, you need to set SYSLIBS to wsock32.lib (the Winsock library). Observations about the other test cases in the C++ demo: tc2 can be expected to port to Windows NT in the same way as did tc1. tc3 uses tet_fork() and tet_exec() which are not in the TETware API on a Windows NT system. If tc3 is to be run on a Windows NT system it must be rewritten to use tet_spawn() and tet_wait() instead. Issues affecting the whole test suite: Names of the test cases in the tet_scen file must each have a .exe suffix appended. Although tcc can execute a test case that is specified without the .exe suffix, in this test suite the build tool (make) and the clean tool (rm) need the .exe suffix.