This is a sample test suite based on chapter 14 of the TETware Programmers Guide. This is an extended version of that suite. It has been designed to run as a non-distributed test suite on a UNIX operating system. Some of the tools in this distribution use fork/exec and hence would need some rewriting to work on NT. This test suite includes some tools in the tools/ directory. These are as follows: buildtool.c: A TET_BUILD_TOOL called buildtool and a TET_CLEAN_TOOL called cleantool. That call smake to put tetbuild.cfg parameters into the environment so that make(1) can see them, and then capture output to a temporary file for inclusion in the journal. Essentially the execution of the build / clean operation is a TETware test case. If the test fails then the output of the make operation will be inserted into the journal file. If the test succeeds for the build/clean operation then no output will appear in the journal apart from the PASS. smake: A front end sed script that parses the tetbuild.cfg file and exports the parameters into the environment. vres: A simple awk script to give a summary total. tetrep A Report writer written in C. The default output for this is html. The usage is: Usage: tetrep [-f filename] [-j journal] [-s suitename] [-u] [ -h ] [-v] [-t] [-q] -s test suite name -t output text instead of html -f journal file name -q print a quiet summary report -j journal file # (default is latest) -u use latest journal file for current user -h display this usage message -v display program version TET_ROOT must be set If you are in the test suite root this will automatically parse the last file. To run the test suite, firstly run the Setup script and then use tcc. sh ./Setup tcc -p -bec contrib/capi